Like their contemporaries The Executives, The Affair, New Dream and Zoot, Sydney band Autumn has been unfairly labeled as a lightweight pop band, mainly on the basis of their early recordings. Fronted by lead vocalist Tony Romeril, Autumn was a superb band with a strong following in their home city of Sydney, and they could tackle pop, country rock and heavy/progressive rock with ease. Autumn walked into the advertising agency that handled the Levi's account, with a request to record the Levi's song. Levi's liked the idea so recorded it they did, and in 1971 released the EP here for you to download "A Patch Of Autumn" (EPW-200) on Warner produced by G.Wayne Thomas. Autumn recorded 8 singles, 3 EP's and two LP's. Tony Romeril worked in Italy for some time, recording under the pseudonym Andy Foxx. Romeril and Rick Graham re-formed Autumn briefly in Sydney during 1976, with a new line-up, but this new version, which played only new material and none of the Autumn songs, quickly fizzled out.