This band from Adelaide was put together by Terry Bradford, and the core members were Terry, Rod Ling and Robyn Habel with Tom Cowsill, Andrew Mills, Roy Ezinger and Brett Spilsbury joining at different stages. The name July 14th is made up from the birth date of three of the band members. The group's first single "Me and My Gun" did very well nationally and internationally. The release of the album "Australian Bite" was greatly anticipated and the album is described as an exciting performance record...highlighted the virtuoso talent of guitarist Rod Ling in the rich, crafted songs from the pen of Terry Bradford'. The group was commissioned to provide the tracks for two documentaries, the first for the ABC titled "Searching for Women's History" a 3 part documentary which was broadcast on national television. The second project was a US documentary on the Zanoni shipwreck off of Port Lincoln. Here to download is their first LP that doesn't feature the first single but does have its B side "We Kiss" "Australian Bite" (GPR-114). Released on Greasy Pop Records in 1985 and was produced by Jim Barbour & July 14th.